Four Best Stretches to do Before Running

Always stretch! ELM talks to Anja Forkert about the importance of limbering up!

Four Best Stretches to do Before Running

If you’re signed up for the Osterley 10k in June, the Ealing Half Marathon in September or even if you’re just a keen runner, Anja Forkert from ABF Fitness has a few recommendations on how you can ensure that you’re fully warmed up beforehand:

“I always like to do mobility warm-ups as they’re more effective when it comes to preparing the body for a work-out. I would recommend incorporating the following into your pre-run warm-up.

1. Side Lunge Stretch

Stand up and open up legs. Keep yourself nice and tall and engage your core. Bend your right leg and touch the ground in the middle but keeping your back straight. Only go as low as your back allows you to. Do 30 seconds on one side and 30 seconds on the other side.

2. Thread the Needle

This stretch concentrates on the back and opening up the shoulder. Sit back onto your heels and then put your palms on the ground with your back straight. Reach through the space between your arm and your knees with your opposite hand and then lift up and stretch towards the sky opening up the chest. Do 30 seconds on one side and 30 seconds on the other side.

3. Lunge with Overhand Reach

Do a normal forward lunge making sure that the back knee drops. Lift the arm on the side of the front leg and reach to the sky, then twist to face the direction of the side of the front leg. I find this to also be a great stress reliever. Do 30 seconds on one side and 30 seconds on the other side.

4. Spiderman Lunge

Get into the plank position, from that step forward making sure everything is engaged and that your hips are high and not collapsing. Bring forward your right leg so that your foot is on an equal line with your hands. Stay in that position for 30 second, return to the plank and bring forward your left leg for 30 seconds.”