The Treatment Room - The Massage Company

Ealing Living Magazine is very much a passion of mine and I’ve been very excited about it for months now, but it is a fairly hefty endeavour. So, when The Massage Company offered me a treatment at their Ealing branch I jumped at the chance to take an hour of peaceful solace.
The Massage Company is fairly unique because they offer a subscription model, presenting you with the opportunity to incorporate monthly massages into your wellness routine. As a working mum I would say my wellness routine leaves a lot to be desired, enjoying much of my ‘me time’ when on the tube to and from meetings or during short-lived toilet breaks. But I, like so many others, really ought to work on that. As is championed by The Massage Company, occasionally prioritising yourself is absolutely essential to your mental health and, therefore, to the way in which you interact with with your friends and family. In short, a massage a month is the new apple a day. It’s good for you.

The Massage Company is located on Oak Road; a little oasis of calm right smack bang in the middle of things. Entering the building I was greeted by a sea of friendly faces, welcoming me to the spa and talking to me about my specific requirements when it came to my visit. Their offerings include Sports Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Swedish Massage and Maternity Massage.
For my 50 minute treatment, I chose a Swedish Massage, the most popular, whose goal is to improve circulation and promote relaxation through soothing your muscles. My massage therapist, Harmeet, began by making sure I was comfortable with the treatment, and giving me a bit of a low-down of what to expect from my appointment. The massage involves long, kneading strokes, combined with rhythmic tapping strokes and movement of the joints. The treatment targets the uppermost layer of muscles and aims to relieve muscular tension, of which I have a lot in my shoulders, neck and upper back.
Within the spa, they use their own products; cocktails of essential oils including lavender, bergamot, camomile and cedar wood which all serve to relax both your body and mind. The oils not only reduce the friction during the massage but, of course, their sweet aromas sent me into a delightfully deep, relaxed trance. For me, highlights included the time spent on my horribly knotted shoulders and the facial massage, a new one for me, which even gave attention to my eye sockets. Relaxation from head to toe.
As the treatment wrapped up, Harmeet left me with a warm washcloth to remove any excess oils and allowed me to get dressed. She then guided me back to the lounge where I gathered my wits for school pick-up, and rehydrated with a cool glass of water. Who knew an hour at Ealing Broadway Mall could be so relaxing?